In November 2019, EnCap volunteers went to the Houston Food Bank to unload, sort, inspect and repackage donated food items for distribution. It was a timely and important effort because the food bank had been recently forced to discard nearly 2 million pounds of refrigerated food due to an ammonia leak in its facility. EnCap also donated $50,000 to the food bank which will help provide 150,000 meals. The Houston Food Bank is the nation’s largest, distributing nutritious meals through its network of 1,500 community partners across 18 counties in southeast Texas. Each year, the Houston Food Bank distributes more than 104 million meals and feeds over 800,000 individuals.
EnCap employees performed volunteer labor for Mosaic Family Services in North Dallas. For over 25 years, Mosaic Family Services has provided shelter, case management and legal services, and counseling for families who are refugees or victims of human trafficking. Just last year, Mosaic Family Services provided more than 39,000 meals and 15,000 emergency nights of shelter for 317 women and children who were survivors of domestic violence or human trafficking.