In May 2022, EnCap gathered to repair the Women’s Gateway Home owned by Agape Development. Repairs included: painting the interior and exterior of the house, replacing internal fixtures, landscaping and repairing an existing gazebo. In addition to the repairs completed by EnCap employee volunteers, EnCap also contributed supplies, materials, and additional fixtures. The Women’s Gateway Home is used as temporary housing for Agape short-term employees and other local young women making the transition to independent living. This home has provided housing assistance for young women for 15+ years and is a critical part of Agape’s plan to provide transitional housing for young adults in the OST/South Union neighborhood. These repairs to the Women's Gateway Home made by EnCap employees will benefit young women in the OST/South Union neighborhood for years to come.
Agape Development started with children’s ministry and later added other programs to encompass teens, young adult transitional housing, community gardens, adult employment and discipleship, community celebrations and clean-ups. Since then, Agape Development has added Social Enterprise and Housing offerings to their community transformation efforts. Agape provides meaningful employment opportunities to community members and educates residents on important topics such as family leadership and financial management.